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Discover the key to unlocking higher profits, happier customers, and unmatched competitiveness in your retail business.

In a fast-paced business environment, the challenge of purchasing the right inventory that propels sales and profitability is more critical than ever. The solution lies in Data-Driven Decision Making. By harnessing historical data and market insights, your business can ensure that every decision is rooted in information and expertise.

Picture a retail world where you effortlessly predict trends, eliminate inventory woes, and leave your competitors trailing in your data-driven wake.

How it will help you:

Maximized Profitability

I conduct a thorough analysis of your product portfolio weekly and unearth the most profitable offerings.

Unlock Growth Through Demand Insight

By unraveling the 'why' behind what works and what doesn't, we illuminate the path to faster growth. This knowledge empowers us to seize missed opportunities and explore new categories, propelling your business to new heights.

Curate Your Product Assortment

We harness the power of data to predict future demand, enabling you to strategize your next purchases with unprecedented accuracy.

Reorder Quickly And Efficiently

I stay on top of what’s driving your sales and provide purchasing suggestions that will always keep it in stock.

Winning Pricing Strategies

We can refine your pricing tactics by analyzing sales data to set competitive and profitable price points that keep your customers coming back.

Better Cash Flow

Let’s uncover areas to trim expenses and enhance your bottom line by identifying opportunities like reducing excess inventory and discontinuing unprofitable products.

Here’s what you get:

  • This cover sales, stock and profit for all products and every channel.

  • An overview sales, stock and profit by categories to identify what worked and what didn’t.

  • A list of products that have almost sold out and could be reordered with suggested purchasing quantities

  • A list of styles that need some proactive action to ensure they stay profitable and sell through quickly.

  • Understand how the month went with all of the above covering the full month

How it works:

Step 1: We Start with a Conversation

Let's kick off with a conversation. You share your business's size, scale, and any hurdles you're facing, while I get the bigger picture. Together, we'll define expectations and ensure crystal-clear deliverables. It's the first step to achieving your business goals

Step 3: Your Reports, Your Way

Following that, I'll provide you with your initial set of reports, complete with a user-friendly video guide on interpretation. These reports also include some preliminary analysis, which we'll customize and refine collaboratively. It's all about putting the power of data in your hands.

Step 2: Make Your Information Reliable

Next, we dive into data quality. How confident are you in your current system's accuracy? Let's discuss any necessary adjustments to ensure the most precise analysis possible. Your data's integrity is our priority.

Step 4: Consistent Insights for Success

Then, we'll maintain this weekly rhythm and wrap up each month with a summary that gives you valuable context for your weekly progress. It's the winning formula for keeping your business on the path to success

Make smart, strategic investments by gaining invaluable insights into your business.

This way, you'll save money, time, and energy, directing your resources precisely where they are needed most.


$3500 a month | 1 spot open

My commitment to you: You won't receive an invoice until you're satisfied with your initial report.

Plus, if you ever experience a delay in receiving your reports, you're entitled to a refund for that week.

This transformative approach places data at the forefront of your business strategy, enabling you to make informed decisions that drive growth and ensure long-term prosperity.

Why Use Me?

With 15 years of experience in this weekly process, I can confidently say it's my specialty. We're not just seeking 'what' happened, but 'why.' Discovering the reasons behind product success or challenges allows us to draw insightful conclusions and identify both small-scale and big-picture trends.