Get A Plan

In a dynamic market, a strategic plan isn't just a blueprint; it's your lifeline.

In the ever-evolving world of retail, staying competitive and profitable is no small feat. That's where a strategic product plan steps in as your trusted ally. Picture this: precise budgeting, inventory management finesse, revenue-boosting strategies, and an unshakable product and financial roadmap. It's your ultimate roadmap to financial stability, profit maximization, and resilient growth.

A tailor-made roadmap is your business’s secret weapon, guiding you through industry complexities, unlocking opportunities, and ensuring a profitable future.

How it will help you:

Enhanced Sales and Profitability

A well-structured financial plan aligns product assortments with customer demand and seasonal trends. This leads to increased sales and profit margins as small businesses can offer the right products at the right time.

Purchasing Strategically

This is the shift from being reactive to becoming proactive. With my insights, we can identify untapped opportunities and develop a strategic plan to seize them.

Optimized Cash Flow Through Forecasting

This isn't just about identifying areas to cut costs; it's a strategic approach to maximize your return on investment. Through precise demand and inventory forecasting, a financial plan empowers small businesses to optimize their financial resources effectively, resulting in improved cash flow and reducing the risk of overcommitting capital to excess inventory.

Here’s what you get:

  • This cover sales, stock and profit for all products and every channel.

  • An overview sales, stock and profit by categories to identify what worked and what didn’t.

  • A list of products that have almost sold out and could be reordered with suggested purchasing quantities

  • A list of styles that need some proactive action to ensure they stay profitable and sell through quickly.

  • Understand how the month went with all of the above covering the full month

  • We cover what areas of the business you want to grow, which you want to own, and what should decline all aligning with key financial growth metrics. This can also include new categories, cost-saving initiatives, and other areas you wish to focus on.

  • A sales, profit, and stock forecast that is built to deliver your product strategy. Know how much to buy and what you need to sell to achieve your goals.

How it works:

Step 1: It Begins with a Chat and Data Precision

We begin with a conversation. You provide insights into your business's size, scale, and challenges while I gain a holistic understanding. Together, we outline expectations and establish clear deliverables, marking the initial stride toward your business goals. In the next stage, we delve into data quality. How confident are you in your current system's accuracy? We'll collaboratively explore any necessary adjustments to ensure the utmost precision in our analysis. Upholding your data's integrity is our primary concern.

Step 3: Plans as Unique as Your Goals

Following our initial steps, we'll turn our focus to your business's strategic objectives. Do you have specific product categories you aim to expand, others you anticipate phasing out, or perhaps new product categories you're eager to venture into? Your vision is our cue to action. We'll create a tailored strategic product plan for each of these scenarios, ensuring that the path to success is paved with precision. From detailed cost analyses to revenue projections, we've got it all covered. Your strategic product plan will be a dynamic blueprint, outlining the specifics you need to achieve your objectives, whether it's growth, optimization, or diversification. It's a roadmap to financial success, carefully crafted with your business's unique aspirations in mind

Step 2: Your Reports, Your Way

Following that, I'll provide you with your initial set of reports, complete with a user-friendly video guide on interpretation. These reports also include some preliminary analysis, which we'll customise and refine collaboratively. It's all about putting the power of data in your hands. Then, we'll maintain this weekly rhythm and wrap up each month with a summary that gives you valuable context for your weekly progress.

Step 1 + 2 are covered in the “Get Visibility” package

Step 4: Your Tailored Roadmap to Success: A 3-Month Transformation

At the end of our 3-month journey, you'll receive a powerful strategic product and financial plan. This plan is custom-tailored to your specific business goals. Whether you want to expand, phase out certain products, or explore new categories, we've got you covered. It's a dynamic blueprint, complete with cost analyses, revenue projections, and detailed strategies for growth, optimization, or diversification. Your roadmap to financial success, designed with your unique aspirations in mind.

Elevate your revenue from modest weekly gains to monthly sales in the hundreds of thousands and annual growth exceeding millions.

Strategic planning paves the way for enhanced product success, market growth, and business agility, ensuring the business, and your profits, grow.


From $8500 a month | 3 Months | Currently Waitlisting

My commitment to you: You will not receive the last invoice until you have a plan you are completely happy with.

Why Use Me?

I understand the intricate dynamics of a product strategy like the back of my hand. As we progress through our journey, your business's strategic objectives become our focal point. Your vision becomes our roadmap.

Your strategic financial plan isn't a static document—it's a dynamic framework, outlining specific strategies to ensure you reach your objectives. Whether you're striving for growth, optimization, or diversification, my experience ensures that your path to financial success is flawlessly aligned with your business's unique goals.